
Dr. Med. Colombo

Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology

FMH Member




2012 - 2014 | Fellowship Spine, Prof. Dr. K. Min

2012 | FMH Orthopedics and Traumatology

2011 | Sports Medicine / SGSM

2010 | Advanced Training in General Surgery and Traumatology

2006 | FMH Surgery

1992 - 1999 | Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich

Professional Experience

since 2014 | Accredited Physician in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of the musculoskeletal system, Ars Medica Clinic, Gravesano

since 2014 | Collaboration with Swiss Scoliosis Clinic at Park, Zurich

since 2014 | Also consulting at the Locarno office

2011 - 2014 | Assistant Physician Orthopedics, Chief Physician Prof. Dr. C. Gerber, Balgrist University Hospital

2010 - 2011 | Clinical Head of Surgery, Chief Physician Prof. Dr. R. Rosso, Civic Hospital Lugano

2006 - 2008 | Clinical Head of Surgery, Chief Physician Dr. J. Baumgartner, Linth Hospital Uznach

2006 | Clinical Head of Surgery, Chief Physician Prof. Dr. H.-P. Simmen, Oberengadin Samedan Hospital

2003 - 2006 | Assistant Physician Traumatology, Chief Physician Prof. Dr. O. Trentz, University Hospital Zurich

2005 | General Surgery, Hôpital Dechapelle, Haiti

2002 - 2003 | Assistant Physician, Chief Physician Prof. Dr. H.-P. Simmen, Oberengadin Samedan Hospital

2000 - 2001 | Assistant Physician Orthopedics, Chief Physician Dr. B. Isler, Kantonsspital Winterthur

1999 - 2000 | Assistant Physician Surgery, Chief Physician Prof. Dr. H.-P. Simmen, Oberengadin Samedan Hospital


• Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar decompression surgeries

• Stabilization with anterior, posterior, and lateral approaches

• Correction of pediatric and adult scoliosis

• Minimally invasive techniques, microscope, O-Arm

• Use of rigid implants or maintenance of segmental mobility (prosthetics) Treatment of fractures (vertebroplasty, vertebral fixation, etc.) Osteosynthesis of sacral fractures

• Conservative therapies (manipulations) or semi-invasive therapies (infiltrations) Posture control, indications for conservative therapies


Ars Medica Clinic

Spine Center Ars Medica Ars Medica Medical Center

Sports Center Ars Medica


Orthopedic Surgery

General Surgery

Spinal Surgery


Ars Medica Medical Center

Via Cantonale 38 6928 Manno

T +41 91 605 42 42


Collaboration with Swiss Scoliosis Clinic at Park, Zurich

Also consulting at the Locarno office


Dr. Med. Eleni Tsiantouli

FMH Member




2022 | Specialization in Internal Medicine FMH, Geneva (Switzerland)

2018- | PhD in Bone and Mineral Diseases, University Hospital of Geneva (Switzerland)

2015-2021 | Specialization in Internal Medicine FMH, Geneva (Switzerland)

2015-2016 | SVGO Curriculum Certificate (Swiss Association against Osteoporosis), postgraduate course on metabolic bone diseases

2015 | MD, essay titled "Hip fracture in the frail elderly: Orthogeriatrics, a model of best-practice"

2010-2015 | Geriatrics Specialization, 50/50, Messina (Italy)

2013 | Master "Intensive course for projection and financial affairs for young researchers"

2003-2009 | Degree in Medicine, 110/110 with honors - University of Messina (Italy)

2001-2003 | Degree in Greek Literature, Latin, and Philosophy - University of Aristotle, Thessaloniki (Greece)

2001 | High School Diploma (Greece)

Professional Experience

2022 | Consultant Physician for Bone and Mineral Diseases, Ars Medica, Switzerland

2021 | Clinical Director of the osteoporosis center, Moncucco Clinic, Lugano, Switzerland

2021 | Consultant Physician in the geriatrics department, Moncucco Clinic, Lugano, Switzerland

2021 | Clinical Leader of the Fracture Liaison Service, Moncucco Clinic, Lugano, Switzerland

2015-2017 | Fellowship, Bone and Mineral Diseases, University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland

2012-2015 | Assistant Physician, Ortho-geriatrics, University Hospital of Milan Bicocca, San Gerardo Monza, Italy

2010-2012 | Assistant Physician, Osteoporosis and Geriatrics Center, University Hospital of Messina, Italy



Geriatric and bone diseases in Europe



Prevalence of Low Serum Alkaline Phosphatase and Hypophosphatasia in Adult Patients with Atypical Femur Fractures, Calcif Tissue Int, February 2022


Functional and clinical outcomes of patients aged younger and older than 85 years after rehabilitation post‐hip fracture surgery in a co‐managed orthogeriatric unit, Geriatrics and Gerontology International 18(8), September 2017

Hypophosphatasia, Review Medicale Suisse, April 2017

Oral health and dysphagia in the older population. Highlights of an EICA-EUGMS-ESSD training course held in San Servolo (Venice), May 18–20, 2016, European geriatric medicine 8(2), February 2017


Effects of strontium ranelate on bone mass and bone turnover in women with thalassemia major-related osteoporosis, Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism 34(5), July 2015

Global Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine Hip fracture in centenarians: Retrospective analysis of an orthogeriatric unit reveals the limitations of the current research, Global Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, June 2015


2021 | "Young Investigator" Award in Rare Skeletal Diseases International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF)

2009 | Award for best graduate in Italy. Alma-Laurea national selection among the 50 best graduates in Italy 2009


Moncucco Clinic

Via Moncucco 10, 6900 Lugano

T +41 76 2001653
